A New Dawn for Malawi’s Youth: Minister Dimba Secures 5,000 Jobs Abroad

The winds of change are sweeping through Malawi’s Ministry of Labour, and at the helm of this transformation is the energetic and results-driven Minister Peter Dimba, who has already secured 5,000 job opportunities abroad for Malawian youth. This announcement marks a new era of opportunity for thousands of job-seeking young people eager for a brighter future.

Peter Dimba

Dimba, in an exclusive interview on Saturday, revealed that the agreements with governments, private recruiters, and international organizations are already in place, with only the final paperwork pending.

His revelation comes at a crucial time, as youth groups frustrated by delays in Israel’s labour export program were preparing to stage demonstrations.

Since the Government-to-Government Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Israel was signed, Malawi had only managed to send 29 workers—a painfully slow rollout for a program meant to transform youth employment.

But Dimba has breathed new life into the initiative, reviving stalled efforts and engaging key stakeholders, including former Labour Minister Vitumbiko Mumba, officials from the Foreign Affairs Ministry, private recruiters led by Justice Kangulu, and representatives from the Israeli government.

Dimba is not just securing jobs; he is revolutionizing the approach. He boldly declared that bureaucracy had crippled the government’s ability to efficiently manage youth labour export, and therefore, private agencies must take the lead in securing job placements in Israel, Dubai, Qatar, and other Middle Eastern countries where demand for Malawian workers is sky-high.

“For me, it doesn’t matter who does what. What matters is the output—our youth must get jobs. The government’s role will be to ensure that labour laws and human rights are upheld so that this program benefits not just individuals but the entire Malawian economy,” Dimba asserted.

The Minister further reassured Malawians that foreign missions would provide due diligence to protect workers from exploitation and human trafficking, ensuring fair wages and proper working conditions.

Dimba dismissed concerns about labour export, citing history as evidence of its benefits.

“In the 1970s, Malawi had over 130,000 workers in South Africa’s gold mines under WENELA and TEBA. Our economy was growing at 5%, and many Malawians built houses and bought vehicles through these opportunities. We must embrace this again,” he explained.

The next few weeks will be pivotal, as recruitment advertisements will soon be rolled out by private agencies, clearing the way for thousands of Malawian youth to work abroad and transform their lives.

“When people are hungry, it doesn’t matter who cooks the food—what matters is that they eat. We cannot allow our youth to sit idle and frustrated on social media when there are jobs available out there,” Dimba declared.

Dimba has pledged that as long as he is Minister of Labour, no bureaucracy, no official, and no obstacle will stand in the way of youth employment. He remains fully aligned with President Lazarus Chakwera’s vision of leveraging Malawi’s youthful population as its greatest economic asset.

With 5,000 more jobs secured and thousands more in the pipeline, Minister Dimba is delivering real change—not just promises. This is a turning point for Malawi’s youth, a moment of hope and action, and a bold step toward economic empowerment.

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